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    Interested in gardening?

    Browse the "Protecting Pollinators" tab to learn more about creating pollinator gardens in your backyard.

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    Leave the Leaves!

    A messy garden gives pollinators the habitat they need to survive the winter months.

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    Learn more about Manitoba pollinators!

    Bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and hummingbirds - these are just a few insects that contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

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    Did you know...

    About 85% of all flowering plants require a pollinator to make seed. This includes both plants in natural ecosystems and in the crops and orchards that we rely on for food.

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    Invite pollinators into your community

    Work together with members of your community to encourage pollinator habitat within school, business and home landscapes.

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BBee Better MB logoee Better Manitoba is a group of like-minded organizations who have come together with a common goal - to inspire and empower Manitobans to protect, conserve and create pollinator-friendly habitat at home and in their communities.

Click here to learn more.

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instagram link to Bee Better MB @BeeBetterMB  facebook logo Bee Better Manitoba

What's New?

Living Prairie Museum Winter Speaker Series - The Wild Bees of Manitoba, Jan 25

As part of Winter Speaker Series hosted by the Friends of the Living Prairie Museum, Dr. Jason Gibbs from the University of Manitoba will be providing an exciting presentation on the wild bees of Manitoba. Information below:

January 25 – The Wild Bees of Manitoba, Dr. Jason Gibbs, University of Manitoba – REGISTER ONLINE

Bees are recognized as critically important pollinators. But how many bees do we actually recognize? Manitoba’s diverse bee fauna will be reviewed, including but not limited to leafcutter bees, sweat bees, cuckoo bees and oil bees.

For more information on this event or other upcoming presentations in the series, visit the Living Prairie Museum website.

Webinar: Linda Dietrick On Mixing Native and Non-Native Plants in Your Garden, Jan 13

Linda Dietrick, PNGG member, Master Gardener, and former editor of The Prairie Garden, including the 2020 issue, Inspired by Nature, will be the guest speaker for the final meeting of the Prairie Naturals Gardening Group.

Popular projects like Douglas Tallamy’s Homegrown National Park and the David Suzuki Foundation’s Butterflyway call on gardeners to help create habitat for threatened pollinators by planting native plants. The talk will focus on high-priority natives that we should incorporate into our garden designs. It will also help identify those non-natives that may have less ecological value. What that leaves are the many plants that, while they may not be native to our region, can still provide multiple ecological benefits.

The webinar is on T7:00 PM – 8:30 PM CST. 

Click here to register!


Webinar: December Delights of the Tall Grass Prairie, Dec 16

The Prairie Naturals Gardening Group is hosting a webinar on appreciating tall grass prairies in the winter. Guest Speaker Cindy Crosby, an Illinois resident, will explain how tall grass prairies can support birds, pollinators and mammals during the winter.

To register for this exciting webinar, click here

CPAWS Webinar: Rare & Endangered Plants in Manitoba - Nov 5

cpaws webinarOn November 5, The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Manitoba Chapter is hosting a free webinar with Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson, Curator of Botany at the Manitoba Museum, where she will share her research findings on some of the rarest plants in Manitoba - including Western Silvery Aster and Hairy Prairie-clover. 

She will also discuss her discovery of a new, endemic species of water-lily, why some plants are rare, and how we can protect them to ensure they’ll be around for years to come.

Click here to register for the webinar!

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