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    Interested in gardening?

    Browse the "Protecting Pollinators" tab to learn more about creating pollinator gardens in your backyard.

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    Leave the Leaves!

    A messy garden gives pollinators the habitat they need to survive the winter months.

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    Learn more about Manitoba pollinators!

    Bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and hummingbirds - these are just a few insects that contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

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    Did you know...

    About 85% of all flowering plants require a pollinator to make seed. This includes both plants in natural ecosystems and in the crops and orchards that we rely on for food.

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    Invite pollinators into your community

    Work together with members of your community to encourage pollinator habitat within school, business and home landscapes.

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BBee Better MB logoee Better Manitoba is a group of like-minded organizations who have come together with a common goal - to inspire and empower Manitobans to protect, conserve and create pollinator-friendly habitat at home and in their communities.

Click here to learn more.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook! 

instagram link to Bee Better MB @BeeBetterMB  facebook logo Bee Better Manitoba

What's New?

Monarch Butterfly Festival, July 15 & 16, 10am-3pm

MonarchfestThe Living Prairie Museum is pleased to announce their 15th annual Monarch Butterly Festival! This event takes place on July 15 & 16, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Enjoy crafts, guided hikes, displays, live butterflies, a native prairie plant sale, a free milkweed giveaway and more!

Bee Better Manitoba will have a table at the even on both days - so feel free to come and chat with us!



Pollinator Education Workshop hosted by MTNC-MB, July 18 & 19

Pollinator Education Workshop GraphicThe Monarch Teacher Network of Canada (MTNC) Manitoba Region is hosting an exciting Pollinator Education Workshop on July 18 and 19! The workshop covers a variety of topics including: initiatives around conserving pollinator species, live specimen demonstrations, community science programs and outdoor activities, curricular connections and lesson plans for K-12 schools, connections to Indigenous knowledge, and creating pollinator habitats in urban areas!

Where: River Ridge 1 Retirement Residence, 50 Ridgecrest Ave, Winnipeg
When: July 18 & 19, 2023 - 9am to 3pm
Cost: $40

Click here to Register!


Winnipeg Free Press Article: Return to Nature

picture of the articleThe Winnipeg Free Press published an article that featured our Public Garden Program partner, the Winnipeg Wildflower Project! The group aims to restore urban green spaces within Winnipeg and has been planting native plant species that are critical to pollinators and wildlife. As a bonus, Bee Better Manitoba's Dr. Rob Currie, from the University of Manitoba's Entomology Department, was also featured in the article!

Click here to read the article


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