FortWhyte Alive, along with partner host Urban Ecology Winnipeg, is excited to offer the following Fall & Winter Workshops in 2023-24. The goal of these workshops is to provide a collaborative space for land-based, nature-based, and environmental educators - both classroom teachers and those who teach in other ways - to share ideas, opportunities, and challenges from many perspectives.
FALL WORKSHOP, NOV 15: Connecting and Learning: Biodiversity and Indigenous Plants in Schoolyards and Community Spaces
Listen to perspectives from a panel of educators and facilitators with experience in building biodiversity and Indigenous gardens and the community around them, specifically with a focus on children and youth, then discuss challenges and opportunities with break-out sessions.
WINTER WORKSHOP, JAN 31: Connecting and Learning: Intro to Indigenous Land-Based Learning with Nicki Ferland
Nicki Ferland, a Two-Spirit Red River Métis Sundancer from Lorette, will provide an introduction to Indigenous land-based education for Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators, with special attention paid to urban land-based education. Participants will be guided through experiences and learnings that they can incorporate into their own classrooms, and will explore ways to facilitate land-based programming for diverse student groups with respect and humility.