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    Interested in gardening?

    Browse the "Protecting Pollinators" tab to learn more about creating pollinator gardens in your backyard.

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    Leave the Leaves!

    A messy garden gives pollinators the habitat they need to survive the winter months.

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    Learn more about Manitoba pollinators!

    Bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and hummingbirds - these are just a few insects that contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

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    Did you know...

    About 85% of all flowering plants require a pollinator to make seed. This includes both plants in natural ecosystems and in the crops and orchards that we rely on for food.

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    Invite pollinators into your community

    Work together with members of your community to encourage pollinator habitat within school, business and home landscapes.

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BBee Better MB logoee Better Manitoba is a group of like-minded organizations who have come together with a common goal - to inspire and empower Manitobans to protect, conserve and create pollinator-friendly habitat at home and in their communities.

Click here to learn more.

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instagram link to Bee Better MB @BeeBetterMB  facebook logo Bee Better Manitoba

What's New?

Webinar: Cultivating Change with Lorraine Johnson - Jan 25, 6pm CT

wild onesHosted by Wild Ones, learn about the pivotal role of gardening as an act of stewardship in the face of climate and ecological challenges. Discover the profound connections between individual gardens and the broader world and learn how these green spaces can serve as catalysts for positive ecological and social change. Join Wild Ones for a practical and insightful discussion on gardening’s positive impact on the environment and our future. 

Click here to register!


Fall & Winter Workshops Hosted by FortWhyte Alive, Urban Ecology Winnipeg

FortWhyte Alive, along with partner host Urban Ecology Winnipeg, is excited to offer the following Fall & Winter Workshops in 2023-24. The goal of these workshops is to provide a collaborative space for land-based, nature-based, and environmental educators - both classroom teachers and those who teach in other ways - to share ideas, opportunities, and challenges from many perspectives.

FALL WORKSHOP, NOV 15: Connecting and Learning: Biodiversity and Indigenous Plants in Schoolyards and Community Spaces

Listen to perspectives from a panel of educators and facilitators with experience in building biodiversity and Indigenous gardens and the community around them, specifically with a focus on children and youth, then discuss challenges and opportunities with break-out sessions.

Click here to register for the Fall Workshop

WINTER WORKSHOP, JAN 31: Connecting and Learning: Intro to Indigenous Land-Based Learning with Nicki Ferland

Nicki Ferland, a Two-Spirit Red River Métis Sundancer from Lorette, will provide an introduction to Indigenous land-based education for Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators, with special attention paid to urban land-based education. Participants will be guided through experiences and learnings that they can incorporate into their own classrooms, and will explore ways to facilitate land-based programming for diverse student groups with respect and humility.

Click here to register for the Winter Workshop


Webinar: “Creating and Managing Landscapes for Native Bees”, Oct 12th at 6 PM (CT)

wild ones logoJoin Wild Ones Honorary Director Heather Holm as she explores the nesting habitats, life cycles, pollen collection, brood rearing, and general characteristics of some of the most common native bees in eastern North America, while highlighting the pollination of native plants and the mutualism between native plants and native bees.

Learn about pollen specialists, the presentation of floral resources, and how the physical characteristics of bees can influence their effectiveness as pollinators. Heather will also discuss ways to manage landscapes to enhance bee diversity, plant selection considerations, and ultimately how to think like a bee! 

Click here to Register!


Tall Grass Prairie Walks hosted by CPAWS - July 9, Aug 13, and Sept 24

CPAWSThe Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (Manitoba Chapter) are hosting a series of Tall Grass Prairie walks throughout the summer. Led by biologist John Morgan, The walk includes an interactive tour of the remnant prairie grass along the Headingley Grand Trunk Trail. You will learn why native prairie grasses across the continent have dwindled and what we can do to help protect the remaining 1% of this important natural landscape.

Each month the landscape changes drastically,  so they are offering this guided walk four times throughout the year (registration costs $10). Below are the guided tour dates (click the links to register):


Monarch Butterfly Festival, July 15 & 16, 10am-3pm

MonarchfestThe Living Prairie Museum is pleased to announce their 15th annual Monarch Butterly Festival! This event takes place on July 15 & 16, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Enjoy crafts, guided hikes, displays, live butterflies, a native prairie plant sale, a free milkweed giveaway and more!

Bee Better Manitoba will have a table at the even on both days - so feel free to come and chat with us!



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