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    Interested in gardening?

    Browse the "Protecting Pollinators" tab to learn more about creating pollinator gardens in your backyard.

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    Leave the Leaves!

    A messy garden gives pollinators the habitat they need to survive the winter months.

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    Learn more about Manitoba pollinators!

    Bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and hummingbirds - these are just a few insects that contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

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    Did you know...

    About 85% of all flowering plants require a pollinator to make seed. This includes both plants in natural ecosystems and in the crops and orchards that we rely on for food.

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    Invite pollinators into your community

    Work together with members of your community to encourage pollinator habitat within school, business and home landscapes.

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BBee Better MB logoee Better Manitoba is a group of like-minded organizations who have come together with a common goal - to inspire and empower Manitobans to protect, conserve and create pollinator-friendly habitat at home and in their communities.

Click here to learn more.

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instagram link to Bee Better MB @BeeBetterMB  facebook logo Bee Better Manitoba

What's New?

Youtube Video: Land Stewardship with Dr. Doug Tallamy

In this video, Entomologist, Doug Tallamy explains the urgent need and how we can create sustainable native plant gardens in our homes and communities. Tallamy explains ecological goals, pollinator/plant relationships, soft landings, the toxicity of neonics, water features, how plants and soils can sequester carbon to help mitigate the effects of climate change and even renaming our native plants to avoid “weed” in their names. He gives practical advice on kicking the lawn habit and influencing young people to be better stewards of our earth.


Prairie Planting Workshops and Plant Sales at Living Prairie Museum, April - June

Prairie Planting Workshops

Instructor John Morgan will help you increase biodiversity in your back yard. Find out how prairie species can be included in your landscape designs, and why using native plant material is important for conservation. These four beginner workshops guide participants through site preparation, selecting plant species, seed germination, planting and maintenance for flower beds or larger prairie restorations.

Workshops will be held in-person at the Living Prairie Museum at 2795 Ness Ave. Four workshops are available, each focusing on a different prairie planting subject. Price per workshop: $15.00 + GST for non-members, $10.00 + GST for members. Workshop topics include:

  • Introduction to Using Native Manitoba Wildflowers & Grasses in Your Landscape (April 11)
  • Propagating, Planting & Seeding Native Manitoba Wildflowers (April 13)
  • Managing your Native Manitoba Landscape + Resources for Native Plant Information (April 25)
  • Manitoba Wildflowers, Grasses & Shrubs from A to Z (May 4)

Register by telephone at 204-832-0167 or contact prairie@winnipeg.ca with questions. For more information, please visit the Living Prairie Museum's website.

Pop-up Prairie Plant Sales

Ready to add some biodiversity to your backyard? Prairie Flora Greenhouse will be at the Living Prairie Museum in May with live native prairie grasses and wildflowers for sale. Select from a variety of native wildflowers and grasses to create your piece of prairie heritage! Below are the dates for the prairie plant sales:

  • Friday, May 17 - 3:00 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday May 18 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Sunday May 19- 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Sunday May 26 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Sunday June 23 - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

For more information, please visit the Living Prairie Museum's website.

Webinar: Why and How to Garden with Native Plants - Thursday, March 21

Hosted by Wild About Saskatoon, Join Dr. Ana Hidalgo and Dr. Oscar Zapata of the University of Saskatchewan, along with prairie-restoration expert Michael Skinner of Skinner Native Seeds, for an online event on Thursday, March 21. Click here to find out more on how to join!

They will discuss the many advantages of gardening with native plants and answer your practical questions about how to turn your yard or balcony into a pollinator paradise. Their research into pollinator gardens and ecosystem services in the Prairies has shown that nature-based solutions can help cities face the challenges of climate change and improve residents’ quality of life and well-being. Native species bring additional benefits such as reduced water use, pesticide and fertilizer use, biodiversity conservation, the creation of pollinator corridors, urban beautification, cultural preservation, and physical and mental health.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the benefits of gardening with native plants!


Get a head start on spring gardening! Tips from Cathy Shaluk

Get a head start on spring gardening with these tips from Cathy Shaluk, owner of Shaluk’s Garden Solutions and member of the Bee Better Manitoba Working Group. Cathy was featured in February's edition of the Winnipeg Gardener within the Winnipeg Free Press. In the article, you can find out the best time to prune trees, shrubs, and roses, and learn about other tasks to prepare your garden for the upcoming season. Not only will these tips help your garden thrive, but they are pollinator-friendly! 

Click here to check out the article!


Best Practices for Pollinators 2024 Summit, Feb 27-29

best practices for pollinators 2024 logoOn Feb 27-29, the Pollinator Friendly Alliance and the Xerces Society is hosting a virtual summit to discuss best practices for pollinators. In this three-day event, enjoy live presentations with a wealth of experts and topics on ecologically sound land practices that promote pollinators, climate resilience, clean water and lands. Summit topics provide practical knowledge and innovation on pesticide reduction, habitat installation, conservation, pollinator biology, climate resilience and more.

To register or find out more information on this great event, click here

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